Sunday November 10, 2019 at 1 p.m. after Divine Liturgy and lunch. Topic: Part 15 of 16 of our education program series, “Journey Through Orthodoxy" Lecturer: Deacon Milan Popovic Религиозни час за децу и одрасле: Одржаће се 10-ог новембра 2019 године у 1 сат поподне. Teма: 15-ти део од серије 16 – образовног програма: “ Пут кроз Православље”. Предавач: ђакон Милан Поповић. We must continually to grow in our faith and we must know what the Church is Through these video series and religious education classes, you will not only have the chance to learn more about the Orthodox Faith, but you will also have the chance to immerse yourself into the Orthodox way of life. This is, above all, a life of discipleship. The life of an Orthodox Christian is a life devoted to Christ . Prayer, fasting, tithing, almsgiving – love in action in every part of our lives. When you understand your Faith, Your life as a disciple of Christ will take on a deeper connection, as you learn to be spiritually watchful, applying the words of Scripture to your spiritual life. The deeper understanding of your Faith will help you experience worship during the Divine Liturgy and surge into your new life as a powerful experience of heaven on earth.
October 10, 2019
1:00pm - 3:00pm
4301 S Prairie Ave. Brookfield